Milwaukee Lutheran High School 23-24

Boys Swim and Dive Co-Op

The boys’ swimming co-op needs your support.  We are looking forward to another season of swimming, and the athletes from Milwaukee Lutheran, and our new co-op partner school Heritage Christian are ready to do their best.  To ensure these exceptional experiences for our swimming team, we are asking for your support.  Why? 


Our Vision Statement says we will “ensure Exceptional Experiences” in athletics.  It is a bold statement that we strive to reach every day.  You may not live close enough to support us in attending our swim meets, but your financial support is essential in helping us achieve that exceptional experience we desire for our program. 


This is a great opportunity for alumni, parents, and community members like you to help strengthen our program by providing the necessary funding to ensure an exceptional experience for our athletes.  All gifts, at any giving level, are appreciated and get us one step closer to our vision!


Your gift will not only provide general financial support for our program but help us secure new lane lines.


“My name is Colin Conway. I am a 3rd generation Milwaukee Lutheran graduate (2010) and proud head coach of the boys’ swimming team. I am also the assistant coach of the girls’ team. My experience on the swim team at MLHS allowed me to develop mentally, physically, and in my walk with Jesus. These are the same goals we set in preparing our athletes for competition today. Swimming is physically and mentally challenging, but we push our athletes to grow by shifting their focus toward giving God glory through their athletic abilities. We have a three-team co-op of students from Milwaukee Lutheran and Lake Country Lutheran.  Three schools, one team, and we all believe the same truth: Jesus is Lord over our lives.  Thank you for your continued support.” 

Colin Conway, Head Coach, Boys Swimming Co-op

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